Friday 13 March 2015

DIY Natural Mascara

Hi Everyone,
Today I’d like to share with you how you can make your own natural Mascara, YES MASCARA!

Not long ago, (when I finished my bought mascara) I decided to see if I could make my own mascara from natural ingredients. I searched the Internet for recipes and ideas and after combining a few different recipes together and trying it out I have come up with my own recipe that I'm loving. All the ingredients are easy to find and it’s definitely a very cost effective way to have make-up that’s not going to harm your body and skin.

{Declaimer} Before I go on, I just want to share that, though I love my DIY healthy mascara, it is not exactly the same as designer label shop bought stuff. It is not water proof and does not last quite as long but remember that is a whole lot healthier for your body and the only reason these other mascara’s do the fancy things they do is usually because they are full of nasty stuff.

You will need:

1.  ½-2 Tspn of Natural Bees Wax,
the more bees wax the stiffer your mascara will be
and if you live in a warmer places it’s good to add a bit more also.
You can find this at a health food shop.

2. 2 Tspn Coconut Oil
You can also buy this at a health food shop or sometimes a 
normal food shop in the health food section.

3. 4 Tspn Aloe Vera Gel
I used some natural aloe vera sun-repair gel that I have lying around but I'm sure it’s easy enough to buy 100% aloe vera gel from a health food shop or grow it yourself and use your own aloe vera.

4. 1-2 capsules of Activated Charcoal Powder OR a 1/3 of a tspn of loose powder.
This may prove a little harder to get hold of but if you jump on the 
Internet of shop around. 


Cocoa Powder
 If you want a browner mascara,  add a little cocoa to the recipe or just put cocoa powder in for a brown mascara, and yes I mean normal 100% cocoa powder that you buy in the shop.

5. A plastic zip lock bag, or funnel you don’t mind getting a little black and dirty.

6. A cleaned out mascara tube or you can shop around for a new unused mascara tube.

( some people add shea butter but I did not have any and left it out and my seems to work great still)

Okay, first off you will need to grate your bees wax so it melts quickly.
Then put the first 3 ingredients into a saucepan and melt them down (you may want to line the inside of your pan for this recipe).

Grated Bees Wax

Melted Ingredients

Once everything is liquid add your charcoal powder and/or cocoa powder.

Pour your warm mixture into a zip lock bag and let it cool just a 
little but not so it gets too hard.
Move the mixture to one corner of the bag and then cut a small hole in the corner of the bag. Squeeze the mixture gently out of the bag and into your clean mascara tube.

Zip Lock Bag

There you have it, it’s that easy.

DIY Mascara is on the left eye

P.S Remember that this recipe is natural so it wont last as long as shop bought stuff but I've had mine for 2 months now and it’s just fine. And, when you reuse an old mascara tube make sure you take the seal out of the top before you fill it, otherwise your mixture will go everywhere but in the tube and you will also not be able to clean it out properly.

God Bless,


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