Christian Living

Hiding in the Light, Challenging Book


 “It is so easy to get caught up in our own little world that we don’t see the needs, sorrows and longings of whom we pass by”

Today I would like to share with you this truly touching and challenging story of a young woman who found Christ and
 His freedom from Islam’s hold. It is a story of Christ’s faithfulness 
to a girl trapped in a hostile home who just wanted to be loved 
and cherished by those she called family. Through loving neighbours and God ordained friendships Christ showed His 
great love toward Rifqa and she decided that if Jesus died 
for her sins and wanted her to be His child she would live 
her life for Him no matter what the cost. 

Rifqa was not like most other girls in America, 
free to go to church or even  speak with Christians, yet she
 risked her life many times sneaking to bible study or church 
to learn more of her saviour and read His word. 
Her world was one of fear that her family would find out 
about her faith and one night her fear became reality. 
With her families threats of death or being sent to 
an Islamic country to be disciplined fresh in her mind, 
Rifqa ran to the only friends she had at the local church. 
This began her long hard road of fighting to stay 
both free to serve her Lord and alive.

Rifqa being under age in America (under 18 years)
endured years of court cases to be saved from her family 
and suffered many hardships such as cancer, juvenile detention, being placed in many different foster homes and knowing 
that her Christian friends helping her were placing themselves
 at risk with the law for her sake. 
To this day she lives under the risk for her life from her family. 
Yet through it all she will follow Jesus.

I was so challenged by this book that my precious 
Oma gave to me. It reminded me that I am so privileged 
to be called a daughter of the King of Kings and to be saved 
by His amazing grace. It is so easy to think only of myself 
and not see those Christ has called me to love and help,
like Rifqa’s neighbours and friends did for her. 
I pray that by God’s grace I will fearlessly serve my 
Saviour as Rifqa has.

I would like to recommend this book as an encouraging 
and challenging read for older girls and ladies , 
I say older because the wording is a little graphic in a few places.
It is called “Hiding in the Light” 

God Bless

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